Thanks for your interest in becoming an affiliate of Eze Content.com and our range of courses. You can now register and select the products and links you want to promote.
Three Simple Steps To Get Started
1. Register
2. Get Your Links
3. Share & Earn
What Happens Next?
Once you click the 'Register Now' button the steps to follow are set out for you below.
To Start
Once you’ve clicked the 'Register Now!' button you'll see the sign up page at our affiliate management partner Thrivecart which is shown in the image below.
Please Note: If you already have a Thrivecart Affiliate Account set up then please click HERE to go to the 'Existing Affiliate Account' Setup process.
New Affiliate Account - Step One
If you don't already have a Thrive Cart affiliate account, click the top button on the sign up page labelled 'Sign up & register' as shown in the image below.
This process is common to ALL affiliate schemes that use Thrivecart so once you've set up your account once, adding further products from other product providers that use Thrivecart is quick and simple!

You'll then see the page shown below.
Enter your first name, last name, email address, and Affiliate ID. The business/company name is optional.
Once you've completed the form click on 'Create my account' as shown in the image below.

New Affiliate Account - Step Two
Once you've successfully completed your application form you'll then be redirected to the agreement page which is shown below. This will require you to tick to agree to the terms of both the ThriveCart Affiliate platform AND the Eze Content Affiliate Program.
You can read our Affiliate Agreement HERE.

New Affiliate Account - Step Three
Once you select BOTH options you'll be able to click the button that says 'Confirm my registration'. You'll then be sent some emails by Thrivecart to verify it was you that applied and to confirm your registration and supply you with your login details. These are shown for you further down this page.

New Affiliate Account - Step Four
Your new account registration is complete!
When you login to your account you'll see your new Affiliate Dashboard as shown below where you'll be able to access your product links, resources and in future - view your results and commission earnings.
But before you can access your links you need to connect your Paypal Business Account so you can be paid!

And now onto THE VITAL step - setting up to get paid!
New Affiliate Account - Step Five
Before you access your links and start selling you need to connect your Paypal Account to your new Affiliate Account. This is an easy process and means you can get paid!
Please note - You HAVE to have a Paypal Business Account NOT a personal one to receive commission payments via them.
Follow the tutorial HERE to see how to link your new Affiliate account to your Paypal Account.

New Affiliate Account - Step Six
Once your Business PayPal account is connected, your affiliate links will be active!
Go to the tab in your account marked 'Products' and you will see the products available to you.
You can find out more about these products in the Resources area HERE.

New Affiliate Account - Essential Emails
These are the essential emails you'll be receiving as you complete the steps covered so far.
Email #A - Confirmation
This email confirms that your application to the Affiliate Program has been approved.

Email #B - Verification
This email is a security check to ensure it was you that applied for an account and are a real person. This is an important step as it prevents spammers and bots from signing up to our program so you MUST click the verification box (shown by the blue arrow below) to activate your account and generate your login details.

Email #C - Your Login Details
Once you click to verify your application you'll get the next email. This includes your user name and password for accessing your Thrivecart Affiliate Account - keep it safe!

Email #D - Automatic Approval Notification
This additional email from Thrivecart confirms that you're automatically approved to sell any of our products and courses in our range as they are launched and added to our Affiliate Program. So you only need to apply once to our affiliate program and then never again!

Email #E - Welcome!
After the technical setup emails from Thrivecart, you'll then receive a welcome email which will provide your essential links and other information.
You'll then receive emails from us about new products, sales support resources or offers .
Thrivecart will also send you loads of emails hopefully - each one notifying you of a new sale and affiliate commission earned!

And that's it!
You're now all set to use your affiliate account and start promoting and earning.
Thank you again for your support!

Existing Thrivecart Affiliate Account
If you already have a ThriveCart affiliate account, click the bottom button on the sign up page under 'I'm already a Thrivecart user as shown in the image below.
You'll then be prompted to enter the email and password of your existing ThriveCart affiliate account.
Once you login you'll automatically be added to our affiliate program.

Then go to the tab in your account marked 'Products' and you'll see the products available to you.
You can find out more about these products in the Resources area HERE.

And that's it!
You're now all set to use our new products added to your existing affiliate account and start promoting and earning.
Thank you again for your support!