We all learn in different ways and we learn most effectively when learning materials suit our preferred approach. Some of us prefer reading text, others opt for watching videos, while listening to audio is also very popular. Some of us like to learn by following a course while others can only make progress with a mentor and 1 to 1 coach.
To support these different preferences, all the Courses within ezecontent.com come in Video, Audio and Text based formats so every student can access lessons using the method they prefer. Alongside these differing formats our students also have access to a range of other options to support their access and learning such as the private coaching on offer through the Resonance Guild.

Lesson Resources
Each lesson is accompanies by a variety of resources to aid learning.
Transcript PDF - Booklet containing a full text lesson transcript.
Slides PDF - Booklet with the slides from each lesson.
Notebook PDF - A notebook style booklet enabling students to make their own notes about each lesson.
Audio MP3 - Audio version of each lesson.
Each ezecontent.com video lesson and coaching masterclass session is delivered in a measured slower pace so that the information taught can be taken on board and notes taken. However, every video is also supplied with a full set of video player controls giving options to suit each learner. One click options on offer include - 10 seconds Rewind and Fast Forward, variable Volume, Captions on or off, Picture in Picture view or Full Screen view.

A browser app such as Video Speed Controller will also enable the videos to be watched at any speed.

The text size and colour used across ezecontent.com (large font and black) is chosen to suit all devices and lighting conditions, to avoid eye strain and to be easily ready by those without perfect vision.
In addition, the colour scheme and all slide layouts used have been designed and tested to work for those with colour blindness including Protanopia, Tritanopia and Deuteranopia.
A Helping Hand
As part of a commitment to make the Eze Content Courses and Private Coaching accessible to as many people as possible, three different help programs are on offer.
These are Purchase Price Parity Discounts, 100% Scholarships and the 80% Program.
Details about each of these programs, together with how to apply are described here - A Helping Hand

ezecontent.com offers visitors, students and clients a variety of ways to get help and support with any questions, roadblocks or issues. There is a comprehensive self-help Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section which covers all the most common questions students have. These are added to as new answers are needed.
In addition, every lesson across the range of Eze Content courses also carries an 'I'm Stuck' button so students can get help as they need it.
Students and Members of the Eze Content community also have access to regular 'Get Unstuck' webinars where questions raised and roadblocks discovered are discussed and solutions offered. These are all recorded so can be viewed at any time.
You can view the latest FAQ's and support information here - Support
Previous Students Say...
'Really helpful...'
‘Colin, thanks for all the great tutorials. I am just putting together all my content for my site and your videos have been really helpful.'
Shaun S, USA
'Excellent input...'
'Thank you for that excellent input. I thank you again, and will definitely be in touch in regard to 1 to 1 content marketing advice for my sites.'
Steve P, USA
'So many ideas...'
'Colin, you had so many ideas for what we could do both now and in the future in terms of our content, that I am literally buzzing with excitement.'
Patricia L, UK