Find here all the free stuff, courses, products and offers that are either live or awaiting launch/re-launch. They all share my eze approach and all are focussed on helping you with your content creation conundrums. Everything you see below is written and published based on the lessons, processes and experiences gained from my 40 years of content creation.
Free Stuff
FB Group - Eze Content
Looking For Content Answers?
If you’re looking to save time and effort with your content creation and production then this group will be ideal for you!
This is a community for online entrepreneurs who want to understand how they can accelerate their audio , video
and content
projects with ease and confidence.
Inside this focussed community you’ll find...
Mix with like-minded online business owners who need to create content
Direct support from the ezecontent.com team
Regular updates, Q&A sessions, and useful resources
Quizzes, surveys, and challenges all about content creation

Creative Content Copy
Speed your content creation!
6 Lessons
Get proven tips to help you create articles, social posts, podcasts - in fact any kind of content copy whatever market or niche you are in.
However you create your content - using an AI tool, outsourcing to a VA or you do it all yourself, you MUST have good copy that reads well and sounds like you. With this set of proven tips and reminders you'll be racing ahead.
Each lesson in this mini Course covers a specific aspect of copy creation, giving you a visual guide to all you need for successful content copy creation.
Discover essentials steps
Achieve stand out
Find WHAT to write!

You Look Great!
Need To Be Seen AND Heard?
3 Modules - 17 Lessons
You Look Great, a course that will teach you the eze way to press record and always look great in your videos. This course is for anyone who finds it difficult to appear on video or has never yet managed to hit the record button.
It's also a course if you've done some videos, but always find it the last thing you want to do off of your to do list. So...
Remove those ‘Blocks’
Confidently Press Record
Always Look Great!

You Sound Great
Want To Sound Your Best?
3 Modules - 22 Lessons
You Sound Great is a course that includes 16 lessons that will teach you proven tips to help your audio always sound professional whenever you press record. This course is for anyone who wants to sound their best in every recording they do.
You'll learn proven techniques to make your studio be set up to suit you and your voice AND learn how to ensure your voice always sound professional, whatever experience you have so far. So...
Set up your studio to suit YOU and your voice
Confidently know your voice is ready to press 'Record'
Always Sound Great!

Eze Content Ideas
Content Creation Eating Your Enthusiasm?
3 Modules - 25 Lessons
The Eze Content Ideas Course will help you find limitless content ideas, identify stand out activities and create an endless content publishing plan.
The Eze Content Ideas Course can help you...
Find the right content ideas to grow your leads, sales and your business
Use stand out strategies to be seen and heard in an ever busy world
Always have your to do list under control with endless content ideas
Next Course - January 2025

Previous Students Say...
'Really helpful...'
Colin, thanks for all the great tutorials. I am just putting together all my content for my site and your videos have been really helpful.
Shaun S, USA
'Excellent input...'
Thank you for that excellent training input. I thank you again, and will definitely be in touch in regard to 1 to 1 content marketing advice for my sites.
Steve P, USA
'So many ideas...'
Colin, you had so many ideas for what we could do both now and in the future in terms of our content, that I am literally buzzing with excitement.
Patricia L, UK
121 Coaching Session
The eze way to headlines that SHOUT!
Find content creation frustrating and confusing?
With my individual private coaching we can work together to find personal solutions to remove the things that are holding you back.
No more frustration. No more confusion. No more obstacles.
Get my exclusive personal help for your business with ideas and solutions to work through your content challenges so you can move forward and thrive. All based on my decades of content marketing experience.

Colin Stevens MA
Your Content Creation Coach

That phrase is what underlines every lesson, tip or solution you will gain from the ezecontent.com range. We all learn if things are explained simply and we all gain greater and deeper practical knowledge if we can steadily go beyond those first steps.
All the courses and products on offer are especially designed to leave you feeling confident in your content creation projects so that you reach your intended audience with messages they see, hear AND act on.
Join the ezecontent.com course community today and turbo charge your content creation capabilities!
I very much look forward to helping you travel down your own unique content creation journey.
To YOUR success!