

That all important question...

As you'll see from my Ethics Statement I don't believe in the fakery and false peacocking prevalent in certain dark parts of the online business world. I also believe that if you're going to sell coaching, advice and other services to people then you should have at least some experience to call on as the foundation of said paid services. So, onto that all important question....

Do you have any actual experience of audio and video editing or writing and creating content you include in the Eze Content Courses and Membership?

The very short answer is YES going back nearly forty years.

Here’s a top line summary. It all began in 1985......

1983 - sound recording and editing while studying Theatre at University

1985 - content writer/editor of the student fund raising ‘Rag Week’ magazine
1986 - wrote my first ever html code while working for an inventor of briefcase Point Of Sale products
1989 - having come up with the product idea, then created the product literature and customer communications for the first ever green investment fund on the UK high street, the TSB Environmental Investor Fund
1990 - first went online using bulletin boards (BBS) while doing my first degree while working full time
1991 - wrote my first step-by-step training course for 2,000 product distributors on a brand new range of products
1994 - wrote and delivered a national training roadshow with presentations and content packs to launch new products to over 3,000 sales staff
1995 - completed my first degree while working – a BSc in Business, Marketing, Process Design & Information Technology
1996 - writer/editor of a product newsletter published quarterly to a bank salesforce of 2,000 advisers
1998 - launched my first ever ‘website’ – on a CD
1999 - completed my second degree – a Masters Degree in Branding, Marketing Communications and International Marketing
2001 - built my first ever actual website – all hand coded with html

2002 - invented the magic three words used on Life Assurance medical forms to simplify everything for those with a medical condition - 'unless already described'
2003 - completed my third degree – an MA in Marketing focusing on the consumer psychology around buying digital and other invisible products
2004 - wrote and recorded the original version of the eze content creation course - The Content Waterfall

2005 - led the creation of content, roadshows, advertising and communications across every aspect of marketing for a new £5bn global Mutual Fund business
2005 - launched My Help Books with a range of self written ebooks and audio books covering subjects as diverse as Cruises and Identity Theft

2006 - wrote and created the niche marketing membership site Dr Nitch

2007 - launched Listeneer, an audio book and PLR music site

2008 - editor/publisher of a retirement membership site My Retirement Help which had 500+ articles and a weekly podcast at its peak with new content added daily
2010 - created, wrote, recorded, edited and presented a magazine style radio programme – Plain Business interviewing local businesses for the secrets of their success

2012 - Eze Audio audio training course and PLR music track site created and launched

2013 - wrote and developed site content plus a series of articles and press releases for local business brands and websites
2014 - content creation process course The Content Waterfall rewritten and rerecorded complete with a suite of infographics and worksheets
2016 - wrote and published a series of three books Using Niche Marketing, Finding Your Niche and Choosing Your Niche for online business owners
2018 - wrote, recorded and provided the photography for historical tours for an award winning tour app - Your Tour

2020 - Eze Outsourcing Successful Outsourcing Secrets coaching program about rapid outsourcing created
2022 - Eze Content Ideas course on the essential steps for endless content creation re-written and rerecorded

2023 - You Look Great and You Sound Great launched

Do please ask about any of these experiences and I'll happily give you all the details necessary.

The shortcuts, processes, triumphs and lessons learned from the mistakes made all form an essential part of my courses and own published content.

You Look Great course
You Sound Great Course

Previous Students Say...

'Saved us days...'

‘Brilliant service, answered all our questions by return and saved us days of digging around and getting things wrong. Invaluable.’

Paula B, UK

'An incredible coach...'

'An incredible coach. Colin has the wonderful ability to convey his knowledge and expertise in a concise, yet simple and easy to follow manner. Colin helped me turn my dreams and ideas into an online presence to rapidly scale my business.'

Justin K, UK

'Easy to understand...'

WOW what a great course! Full of very useful easy to understand information. I now know that I was beginning to make some BIG mistakes and I need to have a look at my content approach. This time following the information in your course!

Tony R, UK