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Eze Tips – Showcase your REAL Business

Are you showcasing the REAL you? 

Here's some eze ways you may not have considered to showcase the real character and personality of your business to any visitors. 

You probably think that your home page, sales pages and social posts showcase your real business. But there's also a lot of other pages that can be very powerful in promoting your business and showcasing how your business and you REALLY operate.

Some of these pages are optional, some like your Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy are legally required in most jurisdictions, while others just make good business sense.

So what are these pages and why can you use them to boost your business?

Below I've listed examples of such pages from Have a look at those that will suit your own business and use them for inspiration and ideas.


An 'everything' page is a simple way to present to visitors literally all the offers and products you have available. By being in one place and on one page it's easy to accommodate on a site menu and gives you the chance to showcase products and services that might otherwise go unseen.

Take a look at the everything page and see how you can use such a page. 

Affiliate Program

Not all businesses feel able to offer an affiliate program, but it's a great way to generate sales without having to pay for advertising and to reward those that send you business with a healthy share of the sales revenue. 50% commission is fairly standard from those who take affiliates seriously. 

The eze content affiliate program is based under this initial starter page. 

Would your business benefit from the extra revenue an affiliate program could generate from you offering such a program? Have you signed up for any affiliate programs to easily sell other people's products for a commission?


A page that guides visitor on essentials such as the format of courses, learning support and the assistance available.

Review my Approach Page to see what would be appropriate for you to offer.


Ethics or the rules that underlie how you run your business are a fast growing area of online business. With visitors and customers often spoilt for choice, having an ethics statement and sticking to it can be just the thing that convinces sceptical purchasers to go with what you offer. Of course an ethics statement is only worth having it you actually plan to follow it otherwise it's not going to work out well! 

An example ethics statement that eze content lives by can be found on this page Ethics Statement 

Feel free to use this as a basis for your own.


Another optional extra you can offer as a business is to set up and run a charitable giving aspect. Details of my charitable giving that has been part of my business since I began online can be seen on my Charity Program page. 

Is this something you could add to your business?

Helping Hand

Alongside charitable giving another optional extra you can provide are scholarships and special discounts for certain groups. The various sponsorship and special discounts that are offered as part of my business are set out on my 'Helping Hand' page.

Do you offer students any such offers?


Often a page people think is old fashioned and no longer needed. BUT in most countries it's a legal requirement to provide clear contact information for your business. Plus, it gives potential customers a means to reach out and get in touch with you in a way they want to use.

If you visit the eze content Contact Page page over the weekend you'll see there's a difference in what is shown to the rest of the week.


Now this is a good page to have if you actually have experience and examples to back up what you say you can teach people about. As I shared in a previous eze tip post, there's a lot of fakes out there who charge high prices for advice that they don't follow themselves or sell how to use a social platform but make basic errors themselves. 

An Experience Page like mine can be a quick way to share the experience you have, allowing potential customers to ask questions that if the information is true can be easily answered!

My synopsis of my 40+ years working in the field of marketing communications and content creation is laid out in full on my sample page

Use this as an example to create your own proof of experience page so those doubters who don't believe you, can easily see what underlines the products and services you're offering.


A support page is an essential part of a business website AND makes great business sense.

This is because you can provide the answers to all the most often asked questions in one place which makes it much easier to direct visitors to where they can find an answer without having to repeat the same work over and over again.

My Support Page includes with examples of the type of support that I've created based on experience with my own clients and students as well as from lessons learned from the awful experiences I've seen on various sites I had the misfortune to use.


Rather than bombard your customers with endless sales emails that just motivate them to unsubscribe, try using a 'tools' page instead. That way you can share the software and tools that you use to run your site and those that are interested can find out more about the ones that are of use to them.

Take a look at my Tools page and see ideas for how you might use this on your own site.

I hope all these examples give you some ideas you can work with for your own site to share how you operate.

Don't forget - in the field of communications your customers and prospects will increasingly check things out before parting with their money. The days when people would blindly just look at a sales page and buy are long over as people are more savvy and cautious.

So make it easy for them - give them all the information they might want to know and boost those sales as a result.

To Your success!

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