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Eze Tips – The Essential 3 B’s Of Content

Do you use the 3 B's? 

When it comes to publishing content and putting out your messages there's three essential B's you should bear in mind. 

Be Consistent 

Be Interesting 

Be Honest 

Be Consistent – don’t keep changing your message or changing what you support or believe in. If you have a stance on something then go with it. If you refuse to use a platform such as TikTok then do so and either say why or don’t. If you decide a Podcast or You Tube channel is your thing then do that.

BUT do enough so a casual browser doesn’t see just a couple of entries then you gave up. I see this ALL the time. Being consistent will aid getting your messages through and avoid some costly mistakes.

Here's a couple of examples of damaging inconsistency.

I used to follow a 'big name' in the online course world who has a podcast running to hundreds of episodes. Trouble was in one particular edition they did a big thing on why Advertising was essential and how to get started. Only for the end credits adverts to then contradict in the same voice and say that Advertising was unnecessary and going for SEO was best…???

So in one big communication they were telling all the audience to USE Advertising and also to NOT USE Advertising!

In another article on recommended tools to help complete their flagship Course, they recommended a perfectly good webcam and then a perfectly excellent teleprompter. Only problem being that if someone bought on the advice given they'd find the camera wouldn't fit or work with the teleprompter at all.

Now these might seem just like the sort of errors a person with a big team might make, but this is in reality really basic stuff that shouldn't happen.

After all, if you contradict and argue with your own opinions in public how on earth will your audience know what to do or if they can rely on anything else you say.

So Be Consistent!

Be Interesting - Mix up the length of the content you post, vary who you target it to, and vary your subject matter and format.

Here's why it matters.

For a while I was a member of a Facebook Group run by someone who sells courses all about how to build and run Facebook Groups. I quickly found however that the posts in the Group were only ever selling a course. Or were just a series of automated question posts that were repeated every week, at the same time on the same day of the week.

There were never any new tools found and used, any shortcuts or lessons learned and no case studies of clients being helped and what they’d managed to build with coaching help.

So it was a very unbalanced and frankly boring conversation which was evidenced by such posts getting only 2 or 3 comments out of over 3,000 group members.

So Be Interesting!

Be Honest - If you have experience and expertise say so. But if you’re new to what you’re offering your customers then DON’T PRETEND, as these days it’s very easy to spot a fake. Even AI is easy to spot as it just doesn’t read correctly. 

Another example I've endured.

I once experienced a self-proclaimed ‘top designer’ who went public giving scathing criticism of some work I had done to try and showcase their expertise to others in a group calling it 'very homemade'.

Teeny tiny problem was the work had actually been done by one of the top rated freelancers on an outsourcing site.

Worse still, another in the group we were in shared that the ‘expert’ slating my work had in fact only started being 'a designer' for less than a year, had no design qualifications or experience, and was in fact a gym instructor according to the information and images which were still front and centre on her profile…….Oops!

So Be Honest!

To Your success!

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