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Eze Tips – Word Copy Review Tool

Reviewing Your Copy Made Eze  

Whatever you use to write your copy, it's always a good idea to read it out loud to ensure it makes sense. Back in the days when I was responsible for signing off $8m of marketing materials to be printed we used read aloud ALL the time to check for mistakes. One team member would read out loud the text and another would follow it on the 'wet proof' so any mistakes could be found.

Using reading out loud to check back on your copy catches those typos, punctuation in the wrong place and also those words that you repeat too often. It also helps you check that what you've written makes sense and can help spot those paragraphs that need to be rearranged.

But reading out loud yourself is only of limited success as our brains are very good at seeing what we want to see. In fact it was found a long time ago....

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Word Review

The good news though is that hiding inside MS Word is a really useful read aloud review tool. You can select the speed of readback, where it starts and stops and even the voice to be used.

This short Eze Tips video tutorial shows you how easy it is to to find and use this great aid to better content.

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